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Sweatshield Undershirts 2013

First of all a big warm New Year welcome to everyone from the team at Sweatshield Undershirts!

Last year was a huge year for us and we were so busy filling orders and improving our undershirts that we just didn’t have time to stay up to date providing news through our blog.

This year as our business and team expands we are dedicated to providing useful and engaging information and updates about solutions available to help people with sweat problems. “Problem” is a word I hate to use when it comes to sweating as it really doesn’t need to be a problem and we hope we can help you see it the same way.

Over the coming months we will cover all kinds of topics from the best sweat shields to the best sweat proof undershirts through to the best anti perspirants and any other updates or useful information in the world of sweat prevention.

The overarching idea is provide readers who sweat excessively with ideas and thoughts on what products work best through to what techniques you can use. We hope we can be the place that people come to when they have questions about sweat related issues or when they are looking for answers about sweat related products or services that they are considering.

As a sufferer of Hyperhidrosis I really know what it is like to sweat excessively and have tried and continue to try every available solution out there. I will make my reports as factual and unbiased as possible but please do be aware that after so many years of looking for solutions to excessive sweating I do truly believe that sweat shields undershirts are the best option! There, I have said it, but I will try not to repeat it too much and hope that you will try them out for yourself one day.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to providing regular updates and please let me know if there are any particular areas you would like to see covered.

All the very best

Tim Shaw
